Arrays-for-cell Nanodevices S.L. (A4Cell) was established on February 2nd, 2018 as a result of a research project that belongs to a group of academic researchers from the Institute of Microelectronics of Barcelona (IMB), led by Dr. José Antonio Plaza and Dr. Jaume Esteve.
A4Cell develops a new kind of intracellular silicon microchips for monitoring extraordinarily small volumes as a single cell. These devices, called Suspended Planar-Array Chips (SPAchips), combine advantages of two existing technologies widely used for analyzing the origin, state or prognosis of diseases: Planar arrays (PA) and Suspended arrays (SA).
A4Cell works on the improvement of SPAchip technology to develop reliable and accurate devices that could help on understanding pathological processes by monitoring cell changes without disrupting cell integrity or impairing cell activity. The technology that supports SPAchips is protected by patent and transferred to this company. Therefore, A4Cell expects SPAchip technology to become a new tool for its use in biomedicine.